Bottega Veneta Principality of Monaco Jardin des Boulingrins i Principality of Monaco

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Pavillon 5, Boutique 6, Jardin des Boulingrins, Place du Casino, 98000 Principality of Monaco, Monaco
Kontakter telefon: +377 97 97 51 51
Latitude: 43.739544, Longitude: 7.427543
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Kommentar 5

  • Kayhan Yildirim

    Kayhan Yildirim


    Very peaceful park. Just infromt of the Casino.

  • Adam Daneshmend

    Adam Daneshmend


    Well kept gardens at any time of year

  • Jaan Toots

    Jaan Toots


    Temporarily installed pavilions for the duration of the construction works nearby with luxury brand shops in the gardens make for great window shopping.

  • Amir Zeierman

    Amir Zeierman


    The gardens of the casino are a must see in Monaco, and it really reflects the character, the feel, the colors and the views of Monte Carlo.

  • John Hawkins

    John Hawkins


    Really nice views down to the casino from here - a great spot for taking a touristy photo! The square in front of the casino wherein the gardens are to be found is on a bit of a hill (like most things in Monaco) and they've introduced several levels, each complete with a water feature.

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