Casino Café de Paris i Monaco

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Place du Casino, 98000, Monaco, MC Monaco
Kontakter telefon: +377 98 06 77 77
Latitude: 43.739962, Longitude: 7.4280701
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Kommentar 5

  • Valentina Pasotti

    Valentina Pasotti


    Experience on the rooftop for GP has been outstanding

  • Daniel P

    Daniel P


    Amazing, stunning inside. We thought we had to be smart causal but it didn't look like there was a clothe requirement for getting in.

  • Nicki Dobkin

    Nicki Dobkin


    the least expensive thing on the menu was a 17€ plate of pasta and red sauce that tasted straight out of a box

  • John Hung

    John Hung


    Food and drinks are VERY pricey. Was only there for the view of the casino and the posh ambience.

  • Malik Kaman

    Malik Kaman


    Ate at the Brasserie on the strength of the Michelin Plate review. Frankly, we were really disappointed with the food. Out of 5 the ambience was a 5 and the service a 4, but the food was a 2 at best. French onion soup was flavorless, the salads were fresh but tasteless. The mains were no better - Dorado with gnocchi was especially disappointing. If you go, stick with the cafe outside, enjoy the amazing cars, and have the drinks and ice cream, and avoid the food!

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