Casino Monte-Carlo i Monaco

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Place du Casino, 98000, Monaco, MC Monaco
Kontakter telefon: +377 98 06 21 21
Latitude: 43.7391246, Longitude: 7.4278803
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Kommentar 5

  • Korin Abdelsayed

    Korin Abdelsayed


    An incredible place. Not sure how the is a country but it is beautiful and well maintained. The water is beyond magical and the buildings are artistic and Royal.

  • Karl Horrocks

    Karl Horrocks


    This is such an elegant building, the fact i am not wealthy meant I only popped in for a wee, however if the toilets are anything to go by the place is amazing, there is a dress code and many of the people I was on the excursion with (P&O Cruises) weren't allowed in for the loo. I had what I would say were smart shorts on and I was almost ushered in, quite bizarre. Definitely worth a visit of an evening with a suit on. The only other funny thing was all the mega expensive cars filtering in the traffic with many of the locals old bangers 😆

  • shailesh joshi

    shailesh joshi


    I didn't visit casino because I am not gambler. But area is very nice. You can see here every luxurious cars of the world. Monte-carlo is district of the sovereign country Monaco

  • Cristina Vasilenco

    Cristina Vasilenco


    Unreal beautiful, neat, architectural designed place. Must see! It's Monte Carlo, Monaco! Square with Fontaines and very green park. Surrounded by variety of fancy name boutiques. Underground parking didn't even charge us because we park our car there less then an hour.... we visited Monaco few days before Royal Wedding- amazing clean and tidy streets.

  • paula blivin

    paula blivin


    Absolutely a must to see. Make sure you arrive before noon so you can get a ticket and audio guide to go into and see the casino. During this self guided tour is the only time you can bring a camera and take pictures. It is magnificent inside and worth photographing. The same ticket will allow you to then return later in the day and play at the slot machines or gambling tables. A must do experience if you are visiting Monaco

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