Louis II Stadium i Monaco

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7, Avenue des Castelans, 98000, Monaco, MC Monaco
Kontakter telefon: +377 92 05 40 21
Hjemmeside: www.stadelouis2.mc
Latitude: 43.7275883, Longitude: 7.4154959
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Kommentar 5

  • Diego Bruschi

    Diego Bruschi


    Incredible stadium! Really enjoyed watching the Diamond league athletics competion in this magnificent arena

  • santo curcuruto

    santo curcuruto


    Big sport complex really useful. Of course getting old but in a constant renovation....

  • Jean-Michel Cabrera

    Jean-Michel Cabrera


    Nice visit for 5 euros, great tour. You get to visit the locker room and walk to the field. The guided visit was awesome and the guy spoke English too.

  • Chris Maglia

    Chris Maglia


    Very nice small Stadium in the center of Monaco. Easy access and good parking area. Perfect view of the match, good acoustics. Monaco plays in the French League 1 and depending of the season in UEFA competitions Europa League or Champion’s League

  • Rigid Studios

    Rigid Studios


    I personally do athletics here, it is a very sporty place, sweat is always in the air. I mean this is the only place sportsmen go in Monaco. The only reason the public would come here is to watch football or the Diamond League. Small amount of places and very disappointing size compared to some Olympic Stadiums. Monaco does host some huge sportsmen. Mostly Tennis and Football. In the end I would highly recommend going here if your ears are intact, though if they aren't don't go destroy them further. When Monaco fights Paris... Cya in the Hospital...

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