Pizza Boutique i Monaco

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37, Boulevard du Jardin Exotique, 98000, Monaco, MC Monaco
Kontakter telefon: +377 93 30 80 80
Latitude: 43.7371963, Longitude: 7.4167485
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Kommentar 5

  • Felix Eriksson

    Felix Eriksson


    Delicious pizza with fantastic dough! But there is a language barrier that resulted in me getting the wrong order twice in a row

  • Dan



    What I would call "proper pizza"! Absolutely gorgeous thin crispy crust, perfect amount of cheese and fresh toppings. Their deserts could do with a little work... my cheesecake could also be used as a doorstop. But the pizza's are excellent, every time!

  • Charlotte Jarlholm

    Charlotte Jarlholm


    Amazing pizzas! Best in Monaco

  • Anna Turman

    Anna Turman


    Good restaurant. The pizza is really nice and you have to know that they put a different kind of cheese (cantal cheese not mozzarella) so if you guys don't like the cantal cheese taste and you are used to eat mozzarella cheese then forget about the pizza. But the good news is that they have American pizza in which they put mozzarella cheese. Moreover it's annoying to see employees who aren't smiling and at the end you just feel unwelcomed in this place. So if you don't want to feel unwelcomed just make a delivery 😬 Overall it's a nice restaurant and delivery boutique but it's just a question of taste and employee behavior.

  • K



    worst pizza I ve ever had, terrible dough not fresh, zero taste and very expensive, very very disappointing!

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