Hotel de Paris Monte-Carlo i Monaco

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Place du Casino, 98000, Monaco, MC Monaco
Kontakter telefon: +377 98 06 30 00
Latitude: 43.7387938, Longitude: 7.4269536
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Kommentar 5

  • Laura Baldwin

    Laura Baldwin


    This is a fabulous place to stay. The staff is very attentive, and helpful.

  • Arthur Massei

    Arthur Massei


    Beautiful Hotel, large size rooms. Quiet and relaxing. Centrally located. Service is 5 star. Casino fee is waived for hotel guests.

  • Hugh Maynard

    Hugh Maynard


    Considering doing revision process as that’s far taken four years and is near completion. My stay here with an interrupted by the ongoing work. The level of service was exquisite and as you would expect for this calibre of hotel. Staff fully attentive and professional at all times, making my stay here a memorable and pleasurable one. xhx

  • Frank Löwentraut

    Frank Löwentraut


    The Flair is gone! Extremely sad! The hotel is undergoing renovations. The renovated rooms look expensive, but expensive does not mean stylish, luxurious or even with the Flair of a luxurious 5+star traditional hotel with a great name. After many stays, we are most likely not coming back.

  • Olivia Stones

    Olivia Stones


    Everything is glamour and sophistication. The restaurant is gorgeous, the spa is indeed amazing and the Monte Carlo Beach Club is really the best option to spend a beach day. It's Monaco. Dress properly, respect the tradition of one of the best hotels in the world. If you are not into dresscodes and elegant behaviour... this hotel is not for you. Forget your trainers.

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