Hôtel Le Forum i Beausoleil

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16, Avenue d'Alsace, 06240, Beausoleil, Alpes-Maritimes, FR France
Kontakter telefon: +33 4 93 78 96 36
Hjemmeside: www.forumhotel.net
Latitude: 43.7382203, Longitude: 7.4175858
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Kommentar 5

  • Seppo Ihalainen

    Seppo Ihalainen


    Ok - not really friendly staff

  • Daniel Vernon

    Daniel Vernon


    Rooms were nice and clean. I’m giving it two stars because the WiFi is almost unusable making the planning of day trips very frustrating. The view from the Terrace is OK.

  • Dolruedate Tiamtun

    Dolruedate Tiamtun


    Nice Staff... Beautiful panoramic terrace.

  • John Dodd

    John Dodd


    Good price for location

  • Daniel Nordberg

    Daniel Nordberg


    I like this hotel and come back every year. It's only 25 metres from Monaco (in the commune de Beausoleil). It's not expensive compared to what you pay closer to the port. With the 2 elevators close at hand (in Monaco) getting to the boats is only a 10 minute stroll. There are 36 steps to take a shortcut or just walk an extra 50 yards and follow the road. The hotel is quite big so there are quite a few staff members: some friendlier and more helpful then others. The terrasse is a great place to drink a nightcap or just relax after a busy day. The breakfast is top notch. It's a self serve mainly cold but the boiled eggs and toast are hot. Coffee, tea, juice, cereal etc (see photos).

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