International University of Monaco i Monaco

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2 , avenue Albert II, 98000 Monaco
Kontakter telefon: +377 97 98 69 86
Latitude: 43.7283164, Longitude: 7.4156256
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Kommentar 5

  • prempee's cake1440

    prempee's cake1440


    Love like

  • Анастасия Катюха

    Анастасия Катюха


    Professional teachers, lovely people, high level of education and well organized structure of it. Last year before graduation in those comfortable conditions

  • florian bernard

    florian bernard


    Great university, most par of teachers are good and professional. Students are considered. Nice place to study

  • Sylvain Mazari

    Sylvain Mazari


    Excellent university, family spirit, international environment .

  • Alessia D'Abramo Mather

    Alessia D'Abramo Mather


    I was enrolled in the Msc in Sport Business Management in the class of 2014/2015. I withdraw from the classes in December for an internship opportunity and then withdrew from the master in July because it didn't match my expectations. First of all for 8/9 months (so for almost all the time of the master) there was no director, so almost no was taking care of the problems/needs of the class. In the first part of the master just 2/3 professors did a decent job, on the other side 2 of the professors (first year teaching in the university) were just embarrassing. Another problem was also the class components: 85% of the class haven't had ANY BASIC background in management, business, finance and etc. and the university (that selected the students) didn't organize any preparatory class: because of this the classes were just like bachelor's (even less). Sorry but I had really really bad experience, I lost time and money for one of the worst academic year of my life.

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