Jack Monaco i Monaco

Åben kort
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32, Route de la Piscine, 98000, Monaco, MC Monaco
Kontakter telefon: +377 97 98 34 56
Hjemmeside: www.jack.mc
Latitude: 43.7337146, Longitude: 7.4222952
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Kommentar 5

  • marco gafarelli

    marco gafarelli


    good place quality and prices. Excellent Happy Hour time

  • nicolò cerana

    nicolò cerana


    Super easy and cozy place. Good meal nice prices

  • natasja van limburg stirum

    natasja van limburg stirum


    If u like sing along songs amd silly hats. Commercial music.

  • Giovanni Filippone

    Giovanni Filippone


    Middle quality wine and beer. Nice place on the port of Monaco. Kitch-moderns fournitures. High prices.

  • Daniel Nordberg

    Daniel Nordberg


    You can sum up this club with the French adjective 'grandiose'!(grand!). Fit for a Prince. This club is full of rich and beautiful people. Sit outside and enjoy a warm Monegasque evening, the DJ will pump out some cool tunes and your evening will while away to the wee hours of the morning. The staff are smiley and efficient, the drinks are excellent and the food is great. Happy hour is 6pm to 8pm and a big range of cocktails are half price. The menu is a digital tablet. Not to be missed when in Monaco.

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