Musée océanographique de Monaco i Monaco

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Avenue Saint-Martin, 98000, Monaco, MC Monaco
Kontakter telefon: +377 93 15 36 00
Latitude: 43.730705, Longitude: 7.425448
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Kommentar 5

  • Kaylie Khor

    Kaylie Khor


    Fun aquarium, museum, and gift shop. Very happy to see all the informative fish exhibits. But the coffee break coffee machine at the entrance /exit of the museum charged me twice when I paid using Apple Pay....... DO NOT USE APPLE PAY ON IT!! Everything else was great 👍

  • Dax Abraham

    Dax Abraham


    One of the best museums to go with children they have a wide variety of fishes and other seafood creatures. My daughter had a really nice time going through all the aquarium displays. And they have a nice restaurant and cafe on the roof for a relaxed drink or meal.

  • Thierry Ondet

    Thierry Ondet


    No wonder this place is so renowned, the museum is really worth a visit. The whole building overlooking the sea perched on this Cliff is magnificent. The aquarium is great for families, every age category will be in awe. The collections in the ground and first floor might attract a more adult crowd. The only letdown comparatively speaking is the restaurant that could use a facelift

  • William Heeley

    William Heeley


    I really liked this place. Not only is the placement of the building really beautiful, but it’s a nice mixture of old and new exhibits. I can see why people like it so much, and I can’t imagine as a child it’s probably even better. Lots of really well organized exhibits featuring both live and dead ocean life. Really beautiful tanks. When you’re done you can head up to the terrace and enjoy an amazing view. Loved it! Well done.




    This was the place that I would go first once I visit this remarkable place . This is one of the best museums around the word. This famous oceanographic museum was founded by Mr Jacques-Yves Cousteau. One of the most beautiful museum in the world. You can find so much species of fish, sharks and etc. A must for anyone who visits Monaco. It's also one of the biggest research center in oceanography in the world. It's wonderful for adults and children.

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