Restaurant A'TREGO i Cap-d'Ail

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Port de Cap d'Ail, 06320, Cap-d'Ail, Alpes-Maritimes, FR Francia
Kontakter telefon: +33 4 93 28 58 22
Latitude: 43.724831, Longitude: 7.41355
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Kommentar 5

  • Olivier Moschetti

    Olivier Moschetti


    Très jolie endroit, une vue superbe. Personnel très attentif. De préférence à la belle saison pour manger sur la terrasse au dessus de la mer.

  • Frank Finnerty

    Frank Finnerty


    The setting on the port is lovely, the decor attractive and the staff are friendly and natural. The food is good but not exceptional - I do recommend their snickers dessert. I give four stars as it is not cheap and I wasn't blown away by the experience, but I did have a nice time there.

  • D G

    D G


    Good food, not too bad service. Definitely aiming for fine dining, however our evening was completely screwed. There was a live music in the restaurant. It was loud and repertoire was not for this type of places. For first half an hour we were trying to talk over the music but then mood was ruined and we decided to leave before finishing the dinner without dessert. No disrespect to the musician, I am sure he was professional and he has his audience, but the combination of fine dining and this type of music did not go well together for us. On the end we asked for taxi, which charged us Euro 30 for 3 km ride.

  • Wissam Farag

    Wissam Farag


    Très belle vue et excellent spot pour déjeuner ou dîner. Cependant le prix n’est pas forcément en corrélation avec la qualité des plats et leurs élaboration. Un peu cher pour ce qui nous ai servi (attention cela reste tout de même bon). Le service fut assez long (que ce soir pour les boissons et les plats sur les 2 dernières fois que je suis venue). Néanmoins le staff est très sympathique, accueillant et essaye d’être le plus accommodant possible (notamment sur le positionnement des tables)

  • Agustin Riobo

    Agustin Riobo


    Excelente restaurante y una buena opción para tomar unas copas en su bar con vistas al mar.

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