Starbucks Coffee i Monaco

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12, Rue de la Colle, 98000, Monaco, MC Monaco
Kontakter telefon: +377
Latitude: 43.7325829, Longitude: 7.4177855
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Kommentar 5

  • Mihaela Popescu

    Mihaela Popescu


    Sometimes no other option for a coffee. Good be cleaner. They are too big and seems to not pay much attention on small things.

  • Steven Storm

    Steven Storm


    It gave me exactly what I wanted... Ice coffee with cream. Took my thirst away and gave me a caffine rush. Good location. It's a big store. Everyone was nice...

  • Thomas Ravnholt

    Thomas Ravnholt


    Great coffee as always, but the best thing is the lightning fast wireless internet. The air conditioning was very good and able to cool the room even though it was very hot outside. Very friendly and service minded staff. 1 toilet per gender.

  • Valerio Zamboni

    Valerio Zamboni


    Just be sure you don’t come across to the manager who hates bikes. Threat to call the police .... if we didn’t move bikes from where they were parked. One bike was not even in their perimeter . Actually he even left the store running out to call the police . What a story . Beside this , store is very modern and there’s nothing wrong. A different standard compared to the States , but not necessarily worst or better. I agree on some other comments that it would be nice to have the loyal cards also work in Europe or eventually an European one wouldn’t hurt .

  • kris Taylor

    kris Taylor


    Visited most Starbucks coffee company around Europe they should have a European countries loyalty program.. I would get a free coffee. But greatly appreciated the opportunity to charge our phones

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